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Suleimenova A.B., Alpysbayeva A.A., Argynalieva N.B.




this study dеals with thе study оf thе using соmics аs а mеthоd fоr devеlоping vоcаbulаrу. Thе objеctives оf this study wеrе tо invеstigаtе thе significant impact of the use of comics in the English classroom and to describe students’ difficulty in mаstеring vоcаbulаrу. At the beginning of the preparation of the article, testing was carried out as an empirical part of the study, in which 32 respondents took part. In teaching English, methods were used to develop language proficiency and expand the vocabulary of children. Working with a dictionary during the lesson significantly improves the language skills of students, therefore, using this method, students not only develop their vocabulary, but also learn to speak and write correctly, which increases students' interest in the subject. In addition, the use of interactive methods increases the creative potential of the teacher and improves the quality of the lesson, diversifies the possibilities of conducting lessons   

Ключевые слова:
vocabulary, language, methods, efficiency, development, secondary schools   

УДК 81

Suleimenova A.B.
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

(Kazakhstan, Aktobe)


Alpysbayeva A.A.
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

(Kazakhstan, Aktobe)


Argynalieva N.B.
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

(Kazakhstan, Aktobe)





Abstract: this study dеals with thе study оf thе using соmics аs а mеthоd fоr devеlоping vоcаbulаrу. Thе objеctives оf this study wеrе tо invеstigаtе thе significant impact of the use of comics in the English classroom and to describe students’ difficulty in mаstеring vоcаbulаrу. At the beginning of the preparation of the article, testing was carried out as an empirical part of the study, in which 32 respondents took part. In teaching English, methods were used to develop language proficiency and expand the vocabulary of children. Working with a dictionary during the lesson significantly improves the language skills of students, therefore, using this method, students not only develop their vocabulary, but also learn to speak and write correctly, which increases students' interest in the subject. In addition, the use of interactive methods increases the creative potential of the teacher and improves the quality of the lesson, diversifies the possibilities of conducting lessons.


Keywords: vocabulary, language, methods, efficiency, development, secondary schools.



Vocabulary is one of English components or sub skill that must be taught to the learners, because vocabulary has the primary role for all languages. Moreover, there are some researchers regarding that vocabulary more important than grammar. In addition, Linse suggested that "the development of vocabulary is an important aspect of their language development" (Linse, 2005). For this reason, one of the main elements of teaching English in schools is vocabulary work. It plays a special role in expanding the vocabulary of students. There are so many methods to improve your English vocabulary in order to speak the language. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that comics, combining a funny story with colorful pictures at the same time, have a huge motivating function and will also help improve vocabulary in English. They provide visual support for the statement, focusing the attention of students on the choice of language means for the formation and formulation of thoughts.

Research methods:

To confirm the effectiveness of using comics to expand vocabulary in English, a literature review was conducted using databases of scientific articles and publications on this topic. A study was also conducted among students using comics as a method for learning English.

A group of 32 students from Gymnasium No. 21 was divided into two subgroups. One subgroup continued to study using traditional methods, while the use of comics was introduced into the training program of the second subgroup.

After the study, a test that determines the general level of knowledge in English and also evaluates the volume of vocabulary was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using comics to enrich the vocabulary of students during English classes. The comparison method was also used.


As a result of testing, it turned out that the majority of students scored an average or below average number of points.


This diagram shows the test results. The number of students is shown horizontally and the number of points they scored according to the results of the test are located vertically.

So the test result before using comics to expand vocabulary showed that 40. 6% (n=13) of students scored 22 points out of 44 possible. 21. 9% (n=7) of students scored 20 points, 15. 6% (n=5) of students scored 25 points, 12. 5% (n=4) of students scored 26 points and only 9. 3% (n=3) of students scored 28 points

After using comics to expand the vocabulary, the level of knowledge of the first subgroup did not change much. But the students of the second subgroup have significantly improved their level of knowledge in English and their vocabulary has become richer. Studies have shown that the use of comics can contribute to improved memorization of new words and phrases by creating a connection between words and their images. This in turn can improve the understanding of texts and develop speech and writing. In addition, comics can help develop reading skills and maintain student motivation, thanks to their ease and accessibility to reading.


Our study was conducted successfully among students using comics as a method for learning English. This method was useful and effective in increasing students' vocabulary. In the course of the research work, we noticed a number of advantages of this method. So this method is a great way to make your English lessons fun. The vocabulary of the comics is colloquial without complex terms or complex grammatical structures. It is easy to get used to the vocabulary of comics, many words are repeated, which makes it easier to remember them. And slang expressions are presented in the speech of comic characters, which is also good for learning the language. In addition, there are many words in comics that express emotions or onomatopoeic words, many of which are already actively used by native speakers, but it is not easy to find them in dictionaries. So comics can be a great source to increase your vocabulary. Also it can be concluded that the educational material, which is presented in the form of a comic book, will have a good degree of assimilation. Joint processing of text and images leads to better memorization and transfer of knowledge. Neurological experiments have shown that we process text and images in different areas of the brain. These experiments also show that combining an image with text leads to increased memory retention for both. With the help of comics, students learn the material faster and better. Comics can help solve the problem of motivation, interest in learning, without which there can be no real training activity. It takes away, inspires, stimulates creative activity, makes you engage in self-education, turning learning into a joyful, meaningful activity. Therefore, it can be assumed that the use of comics in the practice of teaching foreign languages is directly aimed at activating motivation mechanisms and thereby increasing the efficiency of learning foreign languages.




  1. Anderson R. C. , Freebody, P. Vocabulary Knowledge // Technical Report. – 1979. 3. – P. 77-86. 4
  2. Asyiah D. N. The vocabulary teaching and vocabulary learning: Perception, strategies, and influences on students’ vocabulary mastery // Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia. – 2017. 9(2). – P. 293-318. 5
  3. Awaludin A. Techniques in presenting vocabulary to young EFL learners // Journal of English and Education. – 2013. 1(1). – P. 11-20. 6
  4. Nation I. S. P. Learning Vocabulary in another Language (2nd ed. ). – UK. : Cambridge University Press, 2013. -310 p. 7
  5. Cameron L. Teaching languages to young learners. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. – 220 p.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Suleimenova A.B., Alpysbayeva A.A., Argynalieva N.B. USING COMICS AS A METHOD FOR DEVELOPING VOCABULARY // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1. С. 320 - 324. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8033 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8033

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